In Troop 1299, we like to keep the "outing" in scouting. During our annual calendar planning each year in August, the Scouts choose the themes for our monthly campouts. Please click on any link below to learn more about the exciting adventures ahead!
- December: Ziplining Campout (tentative)
- November: Turkey Camp (tentative)
- October: Wilderness survival/Troop Olympics campout (tentative)
- September 19-21 Sand Dunes Campout (tentative)
- August 22-24 Aqua Adventures
- July 5-13: Summer Camp (Camp Woodruff, Blairsville, GA)
- June 17-29 High Adventure trip to Philmont
- June 7-16 High Adventure trip to Summit Bechtel Reserve
- May 2-4 Caving Campout (tentative)
- April 11-13 District Camporee
- March 28-30 Orientation Campout
- February 7-9 Fishing/Hiking/Backpacking Campout
- January 2-5 Ski Trip
- December 6-8: Campout (tentative)
- November 15-17: Climbing Campout
- October 11-13: USS Lexington - Corpus Christi
- September 20-22: Wilderness Survival (Juniper Point)
- August 23-25: Aqua Adventures (Camp Constantin)
- July 15-27: High Adventure trip to Northern Tier
- June 13-21: High Adventure trip to Florida Sea Base
- June 1-9: Summer Camp (Camp Buck Toms, Rockwood, TN)
- May 17-19: Backpacking/Fishing Campout (tentative)
- April 12-14: District Camporee
- March 22-24: Orientation Campout
- February 9-11: Bonham State Park (and Ladonia Fossil Park)
- January 4-7: Ski Trip
- December 8-10: Biking Campout
- November 10-12: Climbing Campout
- October 13-15: Camp Wisdom 100th Anniversary Celebration Campout
- September 29-October 1: Tubing/Float Trip
- August 25-27: Aqua Adventures (Camp Constantin)
- July 8-15: Summer Camp (Gorham Scout Ranch, Chimayo, NM)
- June 15-24: Summit Bechtel Reserve HA
- May 5-7: Kayak & TNT Campout/New River Trek Training
- April 14-16: District Camporee
- March 24-26: Orientation Campout
- Feb 10-12: Airplane Hangar Campout
- January 13-16: Ski Trip
- December 2-4: Dinosaur Valley/Fossil Rim
- November 11-13: Ziplining Campout
- October 21-23: USS Lexington
- September 16-18: Shooting Sports
- August 19-21: Aqua Adventures (Camp Constantin)
- July 6-17: Summer Camp (Camp Buffalo Bill in Wyoming)
- June 11-26: Philmont
- June 3-5: Beach
- May 6-7: Biking
- April 22-24: District Camporee
- March 25-27: Orientation
- February 11-13 Backpacking
- January 14-17: Ski Trip: Sipapu
- December 3-5 Space Center Houston
- November 5-7: Climbing
- October 15-17: Ziplining & Horseback Riding
- September 24-26: Tubing / Floating
- August 20-22: Aqua Adventures
- July 23-25: Beach
- June 18-July 4: Sea Base High Adventure
- June 6-12: Summer Camp (Camp Alexander in Colorado)
- April 16-18: Camporee
- March 19-21: Orientation
- February 19-21: Shooting
- January 22-24: Troop Olympics & Cooking
- November 6-8: Ziplining Campout
- October 23-25: Backpacking/Hiking
- September 18-20: Eagle Trail District Campout
- May 30-31: Virtual Campout
- February 21-23: Backpacking/Hiking
- January 2-5: Ski Apache
- December 6-8: Caving
- November 15-17: Lexington
- October 11-13: Climbing
- September 20-22: Webelos Outdoor Weekend (W.O.W.)
Upcoming Events
Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).