Backpacking Campout




February 11-13, 2022


The troop will depart Friday and camp at Juniper Point West for a weekend of backpacking adventures. Philmont scouts will advance Saturday for a 5-mile hike, trail camp overnight, 5-mile hike back Sunday, with full loaded pack. Non-Philmont Scouts will stay at base camp, 5-mile day hike Saturday (2nd Class requirement), opportunity to cook on a lightweight camping stove, conservation project on Sunday.


Scouts who are not signed up to attend Philmont, but who would like to hike and camp overnight Saturday need to verify readiness with Mr. Beach, ASM, in prior to campout planning.


This campout is being planned by the Bear Patrol Leader Jackson Cooper, Senior Patrol Leader Nicky Sasso and Mr. Hughes

Friday, February 11, 2022

Upcoming Events

Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).