Joining Troop 1299

Welcome!  We are glad that you and your son are considering Troop 1299 and we hope it will be a rewarding and fun experience for both your Scout and your family.  Please consider visiting any Troop Meeting to learn more about how Troop 1299 works.  In order to join our Troop, please complete all items listed below.  New parents should plan to attend our Parent Orientation Meetings held in March of each year.  Please contact us at any time with any questions.

Requirements to Join

A youth may join Troop 1299 if they have earned the Arrow of Light rank and are at least 10 years old, or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10, or who are 11, but not yet 18 years old.

Scout Registration:

  1. Adults register on Troop website and complete parent(s) and Scout profiles
  2. Complete BSA Youth Application (obtain at a Troop Meeting from the Committee Chair)
  3. Submit online "New Member Fee and Merchandise Order Form"
  4. Complete BSA Medical Forms A and B
  5. Complete Over the Counter Medications Form (OTC)
  6. Provide a copy of health insurance card (front and back)

Adult Registration (optional):

  1. Register on Troop website and complete profile (if not already done above)
  2. Complete BSA Adult Application (obtain at a Troop Meeting from the Committee Chair)
  3. Complete online Youth Protection Training (YPT) and print out certificate of completion
  4. Submit online "New Member Fee and Merchandise Order Form" (if not already done above)
  5. Complete BSA Medical Forms A and B
  6. Provide a copy of health insurance card (front and back)
  7. Provide a copy of driver license and car insurance


We do all of our communication via announcements at meetings, emails, and by posting to the Troop website.  When in doubt, first check the Troop website to find the information you are looking for.

Troop Calendar

Your Scout will be very busy once they join the Troop.  Please check out the online calendar often for the most current events.  You may also choose to subscribe to the calendar to receive automatic updates.  Our annual calendar planning session occurs in August of each year. 

Trail to First Class (TTFC)

The first‐year Scouts will spend most meetings working on basic scouting skills, including first‐aid, ropes & knots, camping skills, a variety of safety skills, and much more.  Most of these activities will count toward requirements for the first three ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.  Achieving First Class rank signals that a Scout has mastered the basics of scouting and is ready for leadership within the patrol and Troop.  Most Scouts will reach First Class within the first year if they attend most meetings and campouts.  Our goal is to make their first year in Boy Scouts fun and to provide an opportunity to learn along the way.  Scouts may work on merit badges during the first year, but merit badges are not required for completion of these ranks.

Adult Training

Parents are expected to be active members in the Troop.  We are a volunteer organization and there are many areas where parent involvement is needed.  We ask all volunteers to be trained for their position.  Youth Protection training is mandatory for all volunteers that will work with Scouts. Most training is available online at


We keep the “outing” in “Scouting”. The Troop’s annual program consists of weekly Troop meetings, quarterly Courts of Honor (to recognize rank advancements and receive awards), monthly weekend campouts, a one week summer camp and regular service activities.  Troop 1299 typically provides opportunities for older Scouts to attend “High Adventure” (HA) camps during the Summer.

Camping Gear

The Troop utilizes two trailers and camping equipment to provide each Patrol with tents, cooking equipment, axes, saws, shovels, stoves and lanterns.  Scouts will need to bring their own personal camping gear, which includes:

  1. Scout Book
  2. Sleeping bag
  3. Mess kit (minimum bowl, cup, fork, knife, spoon)
  4. Water bottle (1 liter Nalgene bottle or hydration pack recommended)
  5. Change of clothes appropriate for the forecasted weather (for cold weather, layering works best)
  6. Personal items (i.e. toothbrush, etc.)
  7. Poncho or raincoat (just in case)
  8. Flashlight (small and lightweight is best, such as a headlamp)
  9. NO ELECTRONICS for Scouts (this includes phones)
  10. All items (except sleeping bag) should be packed in a small duffel bag or backpack
  11. Scouts and adults MUST wear class A Scout uniform for travel to and from campout

Patrol Assignments

The Scoutmaster will meet with each new Scout and select a Patrol based on the needs of the boy and the Patrol.  Each Patrol will have both new and veteran Scouts with differing levels of experience.  The patrol method of Scouting will be discussed in further detail during the parent orientation meetings.

Troop Uniform

Click HERE for official Troop uniform requirements.

Troop Annual Assessment

The Troop is funded through fundraising and an annual assessment paid by each Scout.  The amount of the assessment is established each fall by the Committee and pays for Troop camping equipment, awards presented to Scouts in recognition of their advancements, and for select training and camping activities.


The Troop focuses its fundraising efforts on one or more events during the fall and a Troop‐wide fundraising event in the Spring.  Scouts are highly encouraged to participate in fundraising events as they raise funds for the Troop as well as for the Scouts.  Scout's earnings from individual sales events are based on the amount of sales they obtain.  In past years, several Scouts have earned hundreds of dollars through their efforts. 

Scout Accounts

Troop 1299 provides opportunities for Scouts to “pay their own way.”  We maintain an account within the Troop on behalf of each Scout who participates in individual fundraisers. Withdrawals can be used to pay for any Scout‐related expenses, such as summer camp or other activity fees.

Upcoming Events

Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).