About Troop 1299

Troop 1299 was founded in December, 1999.  Hence our unit number is 1299.  We are a relatively large Troop with an average size ranging from 80 to 100 Scouts.  Scouts in our Troop are mostly from the Allen area but some are from surrounding communities. 


The Troop meets most Monday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church, located at 1517 West McDermott Drive in Allen. 


We are an active Troop with a full calendar which includes monthly campouts, Summer Camp (usually in June), an annual snow skiing trip each January, a High Adventure trip to one of the four BSA High Adventure Bases, community service opportunities, fundraising activities, leadership training and other activities.  While most Scouts don't participate in every activity, there are plenty of opportunities for every Scout to fully experience what the Boy Scout program has to offer.


We invite you to contact our Committee Chair, Adel Rendon, to arrange a visit and learn more about Boy Scouts and Troop 1299!


Upcoming Events

Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).