The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts providing direction, coaching, and support. The Scoutmaster has three basic roles:

providing the junior leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop;

making sure the rules of the BSA and chartered partner are followed; and

being a good mentor and positive role model.


Wes Taylor



An Assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each Assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position (e.g. the Quartermaster or OA Representative) or fill in as necessary to assure the youth leaders have what they need to run things.

Assistant Scoutmasters:


Mike Carroll

Brendan D'Arcy

Luc Dewailly

Kirk Ellison

Ted Gould

Chris Hansen

Paul Hobart

James McSpadden

Brian Nodeland

Michael Olsen

Michael Porch

Ryan Ramsey

Nick Sasso

Russell Shields

Joe Vanek

Conor Wakeman

Mark Wolf


Upcoming Events

Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).