Colin Ewing Eagle Project


Colin Ewing's Eagle Scout Project:

My name is Colin Ewing I am a life scout with Troop 1299 working towards my Eagle.  I am working on a project for Roundtree Elementary in Allen, they are in need of two sensory playgrounds outside. I will be working on my project March 6.  I am hoping to get assistance to pay for 21 can’s of Valspar Anti Skid Latex Paint, stencils, painting supplies and water for the scouts assisting me with my project.  Each can of Valspar Anti Skid Latex Paint retails for $40.  My goal for donations is $500.00.  I would appreciate any donations to help me with my project.  If you would like to donate to help off set the cost of my project you can Venmo your donation to Diane-Ewing-6 or  Additionally I am happy to stop by and pick up your donation at your home.

Saturday, March 6, 2021 12:00am

Upcoming Events

Weekly troop meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7pm at Suncreek United Methodist Church. If you would like to learn more about the troop or schedule a visit, contact Adel Rendon (Committee Chair) or Wes Taylor (Scoutmaster).